CoroPrevention at EAPC Congress 2022

We are proud to announce that CoroPrevention will be at the centre of symposium of the EAPC Congress 2022 taking place on the 8th of April 2022 on Channel 1, at 17:05.

The title of the symposium will be "The CoroPrevention study: personalised prevention for our patients". It will be chaired by Reijo Laaksonen, project manager of the CoroPrevention Project from Tampere University and Professor Dendale, past-ESC president, Cardiologist and Professor at the University of Hasselt.

The syposium aims to raise the knowledge of participants on:

- how biomarkers can help identify people at risk for coronary artery disease;

- how to build up long-term, distant secondary prevention programs;

- the future of digital cardiology, including new breakthroughs and implementation challenges;

- the role of pharmacogenetics and genetic risk stratification in coronary artery disease secondary prevention; and

- the significance of human-computer interactions, particularly how to leverage compelling designs in smartphone apps to improve long-term adherence

For more information regarding the session, please visit the following link: